Monday, December 29, 2008


ok first of all the concert was AMAZING!!!!!! second of all it wasn't just ludo like i thought it was, Oh my god,building rome,family force 5(my new fave),AND ludo. how cool is that?!? four bands for the price of one!! attached are pics of either the bands or signs for them so u can see them (FF5!!!). ludo was really good and they sound great live but they were'nt as good as FF5<--they were really energetic and they danced and (the lead was gorgeous lol but thats not the point) they screamed and they sing the song love addict which is like my favorite song so thats pretty amazing. the only bad thing about the concert was that there was a guy literally 4 inches from my face and a very large individual next to me whom kept me from turning around to talk to my "sis" (f.y.i when i say sis she isn't literally my sis she is my foreign exchange student, V) lol but the concert was great. Oh my god was really weird though there was this guy who came out in really short shorts (ewwww) and ugh! building rome was really GOOD , FF5 was AMAZING like i said and ludo was really GOOD too!! and it was a christmas concert so at the end we sang christmas carols with ludo and santa lol. and i got a ludo sticker and poster so all is well lol
~*kEeP wRiTiN'*~
*~MuCh LoVe~*
P.S i will be writing new poetry for you shortly

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